martedì 31 maggio 2011

San Francisco

The street of San Francisco clim up and down 42 hills;

Lombard Street is called the crookedest street in the world.
In 1873 an engineer created a special transportation system,
the cable car
that have only 30 seats but many more passengers enjoy standing on the outside running board.
On the Embarcadero, name that comes from the Spanish verb embarcar,

there is Fisherman's Wharf, a very populas area with fishing boats, restaurants, seafood stalls, 
wher sea lions are often seen swimming near Pier 39 an old wooden pier.
Here there is the amazing Aquarium of the Bay where you can walk through its long acrylic tunnels under the bay.
In the middle of the bay in the 1934 on the Alcatraz Islan opened a maximum security prison for America's most dangerous criminals like Al Capone; this prison was closed in 1963 after three prisoners tried to escape.
Now it is possible to visit a museum here.
Ghirardelli Square is famous for its chocolate and ice cream 
because during the Gold Rush an Italian immigrant Domingo Ghirardelli started a chicolate business, which grew quikly.
North Beach is the city's Italian neighborhood with italian sidewalk cafès, food shops and restaurants; it was home to the artist and writers of Beat Generation and there is still an open-.minded attitude.
During the Gold Rush Telegraph Hill at the head of North Beach, was an important signal station; and at the top of the hill the Coit Tower was built in honor of San Francisco 's firefighters.
Chinatown, in San rancisco is the oldest Chines neighborhood in United States
here hauses have Chinese-style roofs.
Union Square is one of the most famous shopping areas in the world.
Montgomery Street is the heart of San Francisco's finalncial district.
The Haight neighborhood is famous for its historic Victorian houses called "The painted ladies"
were lived the flower chieldren during the late 1960.

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  • Che tu sia per me il coltello
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  • Il cacciatore di aquiloni
  • Il giro del mondo in ottanta giorni
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