lunedì 30 maggio 2011


Here the rents are the highest in the nation.

Financial centre:
in the oldest part of the city, in Wall Street, there is the New York Stock Exchange.

Ground Zero
where the Twin Towers were before they werw destroyed.
 Chinatown and Little Italy 

 Chinatown in the city's largest ethnic community, shops sell fruit, vegetables ad all kind of Chinese foods and souvenirs.

Little Italy have a lot of Italian restaurants and cafès and old world atmosphere.

This colorful neighborhoods have formed because the immigrants that entered through the bisy port of New York didn't have enough money to travel any further and decided to live there, in crowded, unhealthy, apartmentes called tenements.
Garmen District (Fashion Avenue)
It was a neighborhood of jewish immigrants who had started the clothing industry, todat had near
Macy's the world's largest department store.

Greenwich Village
a colorful neighborhood with Bohemian lifestyle.
where many artists live.
the oldest African-American community
with its famous Apollo Theater.


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  • Appuntamento a Parigi
  • Belli e dannati
  • Che tu sia per me il coltello
  • Cuore
  • Diatriba d'amore contro un uomo seduto
  • Esco a fare 2 passi
  • Il cacciatore di aquiloni
  • Il giro del mondo in ottanta giorni
  • Il grande Gatsby
  • Il posto che cercavo
  • La donna che non poteva essere qui
  • La piccola Dorrit
  • Ma le stelle quante sono
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  • Ogni giorno della mia vita
  • Orgoglio e pregiudizio
  • Sulla strada
  • Tre settimane un mondo
  • Un cuore in silenzio
  • Un posto nel mondo