martedì 31 maggio 2011


Home of many famous Americans: Ernest Hemingway
Walt Disney
Its Skyline is amon the world's tallest:
The Magnificent Mile is an international architectural landmarks with shipping centres, museums, fine restaurants and hotels.
The tallest skyscraper The Sears Tower
The largest convention center McCormick Place
The world's largest commercial building and design center Mrchandise Mart
Millennium Park a fantastic center for entertainmente, sports, art and music, wher is a contemponany artwork The cloud Gate.
The Hancock Observatory where you can get a wonderful view of Chicago.

The L train the elevated train built in 1892.
The Fiel Museum of Natural History where is the most complete and best-preserved dinosaur SUE.
The Museum of Science and Industry is one of the most visited.
The Shedd Aquarium, the word's largest indoor aquarium.
Every year in july Chicago restaurant open food stalls all over Grant Park, this event is called 
the Taste of Chicago and all tastes are free.

The Chicago famous dish is Chicago-style deep dish pizza.

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  • Appuntamento a Parigi
  • Belli e dannati
  • Che tu sia per me il coltello
  • Cuore
  • Diatriba d'amore contro un uomo seduto
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  • Il cacciatore di aquiloni
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  • Il grande Gatsby
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  • Ma le stelle quante sono
  • Oceano mare
  • Ogni giorno della mia vita
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  • Sulla strada
  • Tre settimane un mondo
  • Un cuore in silenzio
  • Un posto nel mondo