mercoledì 1 giugno 2011

San Francisco and Hollywood

Ever since Hollywood started making films almost a century ago the American film industry is the largest in the world.
San Francisco with its unforgettable skuline has inspired many movie directors such as:
Alfred Hitchcock
He directed Vertigo in 1958 a thriller about an almos-perfect murder.
with Kim Novak and James Steward
and The Birds (1963)
Some police thriller: Bullit (1968)
starring Steve McQueen
and Dirty Harry (1971)
starring Clint Eastwood
Some inspired by the true story: Escape from Alcatraz (1979)
starring Patrick McGoohan and Clint Eastwood too.
The Birdman ofAlcatraz (1962) 
starring Burt Lancaster
inspired at the sory of Robert Stroud.
Some action movie featuring a wild car chase: The Rock (1990)
starring Sean Connery ans Nicholas Cage

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  • Belli e dannati
  • Che tu sia per me il coltello
  • Cuore
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  • Esco a fare 2 passi
  • Il cacciatore di aquiloni
  • Il giro del mondo in ottanta giorni
  • Il grande Gatsby
  • Il posto che cercavo
  • La donna che non poteva essere qui
  • La piccola Dorrit
  • Ma le stelle quante sono
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  • Orgoglio e pregiudizio
  • Sulla strada
  • Tre settimane un mondo
  • Un cuore in silenzio
  • Un posto nel mondo